Acne is one of the most common skin conditions, affecting people of all ages. Despite its prevalence, misinformation about acne persists, leading to confusion about causes, treatments, and prevention. To be able to accurately treat acne it’s important to understand what is true, and what is not about how acne works. Below, we debunk some of the most common acne myths that are still commonly accepted as truth.
Read MoreThere are plenty of reasons to head to the dermatologist, whether you’re looking into a skin concern, a cosmetic procedure or a checkup. However, you will need to find somebody you trust — which is no easy task in today’s world of abundant internet results and referrals. Here’s what to keep in mind while you search for the right fit.
Read MoreAccording to dermatologists, many people don’t seek medical assistance until after their skin condition gets severe. And that’s not the right approach. Skin issues may seem like a minor problem at first but can get progressively worse pretty soon. The symptoms of skin disorders can range from mild and severe to temporary and permanent. Thus, it is better to stop masking your skin condition and do something about it to cure them. If left untreated, you may end up dealing with worsening skin problems. That’s why here we have a list of common skin disorders that shouldn’t be left untreated or ignored, no matter what. Keep scrolling to learn more about them.
Read MoreIf you have acne scars, then you know just how difficult it can be to feel confident in your skin. Acne is a condition that affects millions of people every year, and acne scars are the aftermath. The good news is that acne scar removal treatments do exist! In this article, we will discuss acne scar causes and prevention strategies so you can get rid of acne scars for good.
Read MoreWeather extremes, and even a change in season, can impact this sensitive part of our anatomy, as can certain irritating materials, resulting in inflammation and rashes. This has been the situation for many people due to the recent regulations regarding face coverings and other hygiene measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus. This has been the situation for many people due to the recent regulations regarding face coverings and other hygiene measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus in Dallas, where dermatology-focused Dr. Ellen Turner is encouraging everyone to learn about preventing mask-related acne, otherwise known as “maskne.”
Read MoreDealing with pimples as an adult can be frustrating - especially when you have a lot of serious business going on, and can’t allow these pesky blemishes to get in the way. But do not fret, it’s common for hormonal acne to affect women in their 20s, even up until their 50s. Luckily, there are several ways to keep them under control.
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