Posts tagged tummy tuck
5 Tummy Tuck Misconceptions You Should Know About

A flat stomach and six-pack abs are considered by many to be the pinnacle of health and fitness. That is why so many people strive to lose excess fat and sculpt their core — which is made up of the muscles in your lower back, hips, abdomen, and pelvis. Doing abdominal work tones the underlying muscles and gives them a more sculpted appearance. But more than just looking good, strengthening these muscles has many functional benefits. Unfortunately, some people neglect to work on the muscles in this area of the body when they’re exercising. While abdominoplasty surgery can accomplish many things, there are a few untruths that have developed. Here are five myths about tummy tucks, debunked:

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How To Exercise After Having A Tummy Tuck

Working out and eating a balanced diet can help you to slim down, but many of us are left with an abdominal area that still doesn’t look the way we want it to, even when we reach our goal weight. People often struggle with diet-resistant fat and skin in the belly area, which can be due to the way our body naturally stores fat, genetics, hormones, and pregnancy. Physicians recommend incorporating physical exercise after you’ve fully recovered from a tummy tuck to optimize your results.

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How To Tell When You Need A Tummy Tuck: 5 Signs You’re Ready For Cosmetic Surgery

Tummy tucks—which are used to create a sleeker, more toned midsection—remain a highly requested procedure in recent years, as shown by research from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. While this is major surgery and there’s no need to rush into a decision, patients shouldn’t feel like they need to hold off on having it done if they’ve done their research and deemed it to be beneficial. If you’re still on the fence about going through with a tummy tuck, it’s always best to talk to an experienced plastic surgeon. In the meantime, here are five things to consider.

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5 Tips For Recovering After A C-Section

Getting a c-section is a serious event.  Even though it's a common surgery, it's not something that a lot of women take lightly. Undergoing the procedure, as well as going through the recovery process can be nerve-wracking.  All surgeries leave behind scars which may leave her feeling uneasy about how she’ll look afterward.

However, there are plenty of tips to help ease your doubts about your upcoming c-section.  With enough preparation and information, you can make a speedy recovery with minimal scarring.  Take a look at some of the best tips for recovering from your Cesarean.

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Kids, Weight, And Surgery: How Do They Interact?

Gaining weight seems to be an inevitable part of having kids—and it’s not something that impacts just moms. Studies have shown that a man’s risk of obesity increases 4 percent with every child he has. Though the exact reason for the weight gain is unclear (is it due to more stress? less time for planning healthy meals and exercise?), the solution is the same for anyone trying to shed pounds: dieting and physical activity.

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