Posts tagged heart health
Deadly But Preventable: Try These 6 Things To Keep Heart Diseases At Bay

Heart disease is everywhere. Without any peculiarity to nations or tribes, it is the deadliest disease in the world. Due to diets and lifestyles, people in the developed world are at higher risk of heart disease than others. In the United States alone, 1 in every 4 deaths of Americans is due to cardiovascular-related disease. According to the United States Center for Diseases and Prevention Control, about 659,000 people die from heart disease in the United States each year.

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Top Tips For Improving Your Cholesterol

As a father, you’ll want to care for your own health for your children as much as for yourself. In wanting to be the best dad you can be, you want to be sure that you don’t have to worry about health worries or problems preventing you from spending quality time with your children. Around 93 million adults in the US have high cholesterol, and it isn’t dependent on middle- or older-age either.

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Dads! Why Sitting Is The New Smoking

We live in an age where we are sedentary. it is a fact of modern living – and it is getting worse. We sit for prolonged period to eat, travel, work, and for entertainment. The health effects of prolonged sitting are regarded as equal to, or even worse than, the effects of cigarette smoking. In this article we will look at the facts of how and why we as adults spend far too long sitting, and what we can do to lessen the unhealthful effects of such a sedentary lifestyle that adversely impacts so many people in today’s world.

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Why Drinking Red Wine Is Healthy For Dads

Drinking red wine is a great idea for dads because it has been proven to help you with your heart health. However, you'll need to look at all the other options that you have that will be good for you. You will discover that it is much easier for you to get the kind of health benefits that you need because you focused on red wine. Also, you need to remember that this is a good substitute for other things that might not be as good for you.

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