Posts tagged pre-school
How To Compare Day Nurseries

If you’re a parent finding it hard to find the right day nursery for your child, you’re not alone. When you go to a day nursery, there are a lot of things to look out for and questions to ask. How can a parent be confident that their child will be happy? Will they meet the needs of your child? Do they tell you what's going on with your child? What if it doesn't appeal to my child? Below is a step-by-step list of things you should do before choosing a day nursery provider and questions you might want to ask when you visit settings.

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The Best Safe And Fun Activities For Kids Of Essential Workers

The pandemic changed a lot of things for a lot of people. While many white-collar workers have had to pivot careers by either putting them on hold or moving to work-from-home situations, this is not the case for essential workers. These unsung heroes—health care personnel, grocery store workers, and first responders—must show up for work under all circumstances to provide services we rely on. But how do essential workers take care of their children with school closures, disrupted daycare services, and their own schedules being transformed by the pandemic? In this article, we’ll look at activities that are fun and safe for children of essential workers to participate in.

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4 Ways Dads Can Help Prepare Their Child For Preschool

As a father, you probably have a burning desire to engage in your child's education – particularly when they are starting preschool. However, you may not know what to do to begin getting more involved. After all, dads tend to do things slightly differently to moms, but that doesn't mean you can't (or shouldn't) have a role in preparing your child for preschool. To help you get started, read on for three ways by which dads can help prepare their child for preschool.

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