Posts tagged learning
Hands-On Learning: Forest-Based Activities for Kids

For generations, Oregon’s 30 million acres of forest have been the site of many childhood adventures. The benefits of experiencing nature as a child are significant. When our forests thrive, our children thrive as well. With our smallest nature lovers in mind, we encourage hands-on learning activities for kids. Our goal is to inspire future generations to stay connected to our forests. Whether you live in Oregon full-time or are a visitor to Oregon forests, we’d love to share more about how you can help create lifelong memories for your children so they too can “see the forest for the trees.

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How To Choose A School Curriculum That Suits Your Child Best

If you're a parent, chances are you've wondered about the school curriculum. Many of us struggle with the pressure from society to make sure our kids are the best in their classes. This is regardless of how long you've been a parent or how new you are to it. But how do you know which school curriculum is best for your child? Once you've found a school, that is! Well, keep reading. We're going to share everything you need to know about how to choose a curriculum that suits your child.

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5 Tips To Help You And Your Family Members Find Better Careers

The job market seems to be taking off. If your industry hasn't seen great income gains, maybe it's time to look for better ways to earn for your family. Now may be a good time to review what it would take to get more training, a new license, or another tool to help you learn more.

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6 Benefits Of Children Learning Music

Extracurricular activities are salient when it comes to encouraging a child to discover their talents and passions. One activity that is particularly prevalent among children is learning to play a musical instrument. Scientists suggest there is a strong relationship between learning music and academic success. However, there are plenty of other benefits too. Let’s look at six advantages of children learning music in this article.

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5 Factors That Affect Early Learning and Childhood Development

Early learning and childhood development are the building blocks of your child's future. They'll help determine what kind of person your child is as they grow up. Because of this, one of the most important jobs you'll ever have is to make sure your child is growing and developing properly. But what if you're not sure where to start? You know that your child's ability to learn and grow is important, but what kind of factors influence those? If you're interested in learning how early learning and childhood development come together, then you need to keep reading.

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10 Things To Do With Your Toddler: Fun Activities To Stimulate Learning

Take a walk with your child and ask her to pick out her favorite tree along the way. Explain that while no one can really own a tree, she can have this tree to take special care of. Tell your child that she must get to know the tree by studying its bark. Do this by making a bark rubbing drawing using a piece of paper and some crayons. When the tree leaves start to fall off in autumn, do the same with some of the leaves (rubbing drawings). You can find more ideas to stimulate learning here

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Is LeapFrog Good for Toddlers?

As parents, we should be extra careful about the things we introduce to our little ones. Whether it’s a word or an activity, a thorough assessment of its age-appropriateness is a must. Device-centric activities should undergo an even more comprehensive evaluation because, let’s face it, we’d rather our kids get introduced to technology much later. Or should they? This review of LeapFrog LeapPad suggests otherwise. LeapFrog has definitely been making headlines across the parenting community for its safer and more innovative take on the kid tablet. Yes, your toddlers are part of this conversation. Let’s get to it, shall we? Should you get your youngster a LeapFrog?

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Are Your Kids Falling Behind In School? Look For These Warning Signs

You should know that it is pretty normal for a kid or teen to lose interest in their school work. Sometimes, they may find it boring or hard, and sometimes they may have trouble focusing while learning. According to child psychologists, the reason why your kids may be falling behind is less dramatic than parents and teachers perceive. See, children tend to have a shorter attention span than adults, which affects their ability to focus and learn. But if left untreated, it can affect their grades and quality of education in the long run.

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3 Simple Ways You Can Look After Your Health And Set The Right Example!

The concept of being healthier and happier is subjective because everybody's got their own specific attitudes and beliefs as to what constitutes being healthy. But there are a number of fundamentals that we could all benefit from. If you are wandering aimlessly with regards to your health and happiness, what can you do to make sure that you are maintaining this in the modern world for the sake of yourself and your kids?

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6 Ways To Raise Smarter, Happier, And Successful Kids

Raising a child is not an easy job, but it’s one of the most rewarding feelings. If you are a parent finding ways to nurture your child from an early age, you are almost on the right track. Even scientists mention that the first ten years of a child’s life is the most productive period of their lives - often calling it the “window of opportunity.” So when you are trying to help your kids become smarter, you are also working on building a healthier relationship with your child.. We’ll focus on the ways that can help your kids become brighter, happier, and successful in life

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The Importance Of Imagination

Imagination, who knew this 11 letter word could hold so much meaning and importance in a person’s life? A child’s imagination is unparalleled. It helps them to understand new concepts without the use of their immediate senses. When you think about it, the ability to imagine is genuinely an extraordinary gift. Keep reading to discover the six reasons why imagination is so important.

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5 Cool Things You Can Learn To Do Through YouTube

Looking for something to do on those long, dark winter days? Thank heavens for YouTube! But instead of wasting your time watching videos of funny cats, why not take the opportunity to learn something different instead? You can learn how to do all kinds of things through online tutorials - making you an expert in no time. Here are five cool things you can learn to do through YouTube to get you through the winter.

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Why Study An Accountancy Course?

If you’re looking at switching career paths, you are likely to have considered a range of different options that are suited to your skill set and interests. If you have a talent for mathematics and analytics, one of the options you may have considered is an accountancy degree. A course in this field opens up a vast amount of opportunities that you may never have known about. In this article, we’re going to discuss some of the key reasons why you should consider studying an accountancy degree:

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5 Effective Homeschooling Tips For Parents This Summer

Whether you're already a homeschooling parent, or a public school parent, over the summer, children need some extra academic work and homeschooling tips to keep their brains sharp and prepared for the coming school year. Going to school 9 months out of the year and then returning only to forget everything is quite unfortunate! So, here are some homeschooling tips to keep your child's memory fresh and to fine-tune those skills they learn in school.

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Why Kids Need Personalized Learning

For most of our modern memory, the standard for educating our kids has largely been the same. Sending kids to public school for a specified amount of time each day to learn in large groups with their peers seems like the way it's always been done. But what if there was a better way? For kids who are struggling, tailoring their education to their own needs rather than trying to change them is the best way to help them thrive in their education.

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How To Make Students Be Interested In Self-Education

Self education is the mode of study for the future. It helps you to acquire emerging skills that have not found their way into the curriculum. It also helps you with revision in college as you complete assignments or prepare for examinations. The graduate essay online service reduces the time taken to complete school work beyond enabling you to enjoy your college experience.

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4 Ways Dads Can Help Prepare Their Child For Preschool

As a father, you probably have a burning desire to engage in your child's education – particularly when they are starting preschool. However, you may not know what to do to begin getting more involved. After all, dads tend to do things slightly differently to moms, but that doesn't mean you can't (or shouldn't) have a role in preparing your child for preschool. To help you get started, read on for three ways by which dads can help prepare their child for preschool.

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A Breakthrough Guide To Enhance Child Development

If you are a parent, chances are that you are busy. You may be busy with work, school and all the daily errands that you need to do and the cooking and cleaning. If you are a stay-at-home parent, you are still going to have a packed schedule, and if you work, you need to find a way to juggle work and all of the other things that you need to do. It can be tricky, and it can affect your relationship with your children.

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