Posts tagged teachers
Why Kids Need Personalized Learning

For most of our modern memory, the standard for educating our kids has largely been the same. Sending kids to public school for a specified amount of time each day to learn in large groups with their peers seems like the way it's always been done. But what if there was a better way? For kids who are struggling, tailoring their education to their own needs rather than trying to change them is the best way to help them thrive in their education.

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4 Ways Dads Can Help Prepare Their Child For Preschool

As a father, you probably have a burning desire to engage in your child's education – particularly when they are starting preschool. However, you may not know what to do to begin getting more involved. After all, dads tend to do things slightly differently to moms, but that doesn't mean you can't (or shouldn't) have a role in preparing your child for preschool. To help you get started, read on for three ways by which dads can help prepare their child for preschool.

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