Why Magnesium Is an Essential Mineral In The Body

Magnesium rarely gets enough emphasis as other nutrients, but it plays a significant role in your overall wellbeing. It takes part in hundreds of enzymatic reactions within a human body. The majority of this mineral is stored in the skeletal system—mostly made of bones—while the rest is in bodily fluids, soft tissues, and muscles.

Since there’s a lack of enough information on the importance of this mineral, many people don't take it seriously. As such, they end up with health complications that doctors have since linked to magnesium deficiency. Your daily diet should include a small amount of cashew nuts, almonds, spinach, or any other sources rich in this mineral. Sometimes, doctors may recommend that you take a supplement for magnesium if your body can't get enough. So, why is it so important to your body?  Read on.


1.      Reduces The Risks Of Type-2 Diabetes

One of the most significant roles played by magnesium in a human body is combating the risks of type-2 diabetes. People whose diets have high amounts of magnesium have very low risks of falling victim to this popular health condition. Magnesium has a direct impact on insulin sensitivity, which plays a key role in the prevention of metabolic disorders, such as insulin resistance and type-2 diabetes.

Other than prevention, magnesium supplements can also be used to nurse a pre-existing diabetic condition. For instance, doctors suggest that taking this mineral can improve metabolic control for people with type-1 diabetes. This will lower the levels of triglycerides, which, in turn, reduces the chances of heart trouble or any other related issues.


2.      Reduces High Blood Pressure

Stress and lack of exercise have always been known as the main causes of high blood pressure. However, these may just exacerbate an already existing condition in your body. Mineral deficiency is part of the key courses of blood pressure, especially for the middle-aged people.

On a normal day, magnesium is tasked with the regulation of blood pressure by relaxing the smooth muscle cells. In addition, it ensures that the right levels of other minerals, such as sodium and potassium, are maintained within the blood system. Therefore, a balanced diet coupled with some effective exercises, will greatly improve your overall health.


3.      Cardiovascular Health

Regardless of one’s age, heart health is always an important aspect in people’s day-to-day lives. It all starts with your diet and how much effort you put in to ensure that you get the right amounts of every nutrient. Magnesium comes into play due to the fact that it provides elasticity for blood vessels that supply the heart. In addition, this mineral also prevents you from experiencing heart attacks, which may be due to the malfunctioning of the blood muscles.


4.      Prevents Migraine

Have you been experiencing migraine on a regular basis lately?  Well, the levels of magnesium in your body might be the issue. If you’re keen enough, you’ll realize that most migraine pills contain a certain amount of magnesium. This is because most patients with symptoms of migraine usually have low levels of magnesium. As such, it suggests that this mineral has a significant role in the prevention of this common condition.

When one takes the pills, magnesium works by blocking pain-releasing chemicals or signals from the brain. It does so with an aura or a few sensory changes, like altering one’s vision. It’s also worth noting that, sometimes, migraines come as a result of narrow blood vessels in the brain. Magnesium is, therefore, tasked with preventing this from happening or enabling the arteries regain their original size.


5.      Therapy For Asthma

If you have any asthmatic condition, you might already have realized how tough it can be to leave with this respiratory issue. There are many ways used to combat the situation, either at home or at the hospital. However, if it proves to be a life-threatening problem, the doctors always opt for magnesium therapy. This mineral is known for its ability to stop the bronchial muscle spasms. Although not yet proven conclusively, lower levels of magnesium are believed to be one of the primary causes of asthma.



Many people ignore the importance of minerals in their daily diet. However, the fact is that the lack of these nutrients could lead to some chronic health conditions. For instance, low levels of magnesium are a recipe for asthma, high blood pressure, or even diabetes. All of these conditions aren’t easy to control once they come in full swing, but you can prevent them by eating foods rich in magnesium, like cashew nuts and spinach. There are pills that can also supplement the levels of this mineral. However, make sure to consider your doctor’s advice before starting the prescription.